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# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-
# @Author : yhy&ddm&w4ter
# 每3分钟检测一次github是否有新的cve漏洞提交记录若有则通过server酱和钉钉机器人推送二者配置一个即可
# 建议使用screen命令运行在自己的linux vps后台上就可以愉快的接收各种cve了
import json
import requests, time, re
import dingtalkchatbot.chatbot as cb
import datetime
import hashlib
from lxml import etree
import traceback
github_headers = {
'Authorization': "token xxxxxx" # 替换自己的github token
# 抓取本年cve
def getNews():
# 抓取本年的
year =
api = "{}&sort=updated".format(year)
json_str = requests.get(api, headers=github_headers, timeout=10).json()
cve_total_count = json_str['total_count']
cve_description = json_str['items'][0]['description']
cve_url = json_str['items'][0]['html_url']
cve_name = json_str['items'][0]['name']
return cve_total_count, cve_description, cve_url,cve_name
except Exception as e:
print(e, "github链接不通")
return '', '', ''
# 通过 pushed_at 检查工具是否更新
def get_pushed_at_time(tools_list):
total_list = []
for url in tools_list:
pushed_at = requests.get(url, headers=github_headers, timeout=10).json()['pushed_at']
return total_list
def get_update_log(url):
# 考虑到有的工具没有 releases, 则通过 commits 记录获取更新描述
# 判断是否有 releases 记录
json_str = requests.get(url + '/releases', headers=github_headers, timeout=10).json()
if len(json_str) != 0:
update_log = json_str[0]['body']
except Exception as e:
update_log = "作者未写更新内容"
download_url = json_str[0]['html_url']
tools_version = json_str[0]['name']
return update_log, download_url,len(json_str),tools_version
json_str = requests.get(url + '/commits', headers=github_headers, timeout=10).json()
update_log = json_str[0]['commit']['message']
download_url = json_str[0]['html_url']
return update_log, download_url
# 创建md5对象
def nmd5(str):
m = hashlib.md5()
b = str.encode(encoding='utf-8')
str_md5 = m.hexdigest()
return str_md5
# 有道翻译
def translate(word):
headerstr = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36'
bv = nmd5(headerstr)
lts = str(round(time.time() * 1000))
salt = lts + '90'
# 如果翻译失败,{'errorCode': 50} 请查看 fanyi.min.js:
# 搜索 fanyideskweb sign: n.md5("fanyideskweb" + e + i + "Y2FYu%TNSbMCxc3t2u^XT") Y2FYu%TNSbMCxc3t2u^XT是否改变替换即可
strexample = 'fanyideskweb' + word + salt + 'Y2FYu%TNSbMCxc3t2u^XT'
sign = nmd5(strexample)
data = {
'i': word,
'from': 'AUTO',
'to': 'AUTO',
'smartresult': 'dict',
'client': 'fanyideskweb',
'salt': salt,
'sign': sign,
'lts': lts,
'bv': bv,
'doctype': 'json',
'version': '2.1',
'keyfrom': 'fanyi.web',
url = ''
header = {
'User-Agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/91.0.4472.114 Safari/537.36',
'Referer': '',
'Origin': '',
'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8',
'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest',
'Accept': 'application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01',
'Accept-Encoding': 'gzip, deflate',
'Accept-Language': 'zh-CN,zh;q=0.9',
'Connection': 'keep-alive',
'Host': '',
'cookie': '_ntes_nnid=937f1c788f1e087cf91d616319dc536a,1564395185984; OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID_NCOO=; OUTFOX_SEARCH_USER_ID=-10218418@; JSESSIONID=; ___rl__test__cookies=1'
res =, data=data, headers=header)
result_dict = res.json()
result = ""
for json_str in result_dict['translateResult'][0]:
tgt = json_str['tgt']
result += tgt
return result
# 钉钉
def dingding(text, msg):
# 将此处换为钉钉机器人的api
webhook = 'xxxxxxxx'
secretKey = 'xxxxxxxx' # 替换自己的加签, 钉钉中机器人管理 - 加签 双击,右键复制
ding = cb.DingtalkChatbot(webhook, secret=secretKey)
ding.send_text(msg='{}\r\n{}'.format(text, msg), is_at_all=False)
# server酱
def server(text, msg):
# 将 xxxx 换成自己的server SCKEY
uri = '{}&desp={}'.format(text, msg)
requests.get(uri, headers=github_headers, timeout=10)
# 添加Telegram Bot推送支持
def tgbot(text, msg):
import telegram
# Your Telegram Bot Token
bot = telegram.Bot(token='123456:aaa-sdasdsa')
group_id = 'Your Group ID'
bot.send_message(chat_id=group_id, text='{}\r\n{}'.format(text, msg))
# 通过检查name 和 description 中是否存在test字样排除test
def regular(req):
cve_name = req['items'][0]['name']
cve_description = req['items'][0]['description']
if cve_name.lower().find('test') == -1 and cve_description.lower().find('test') == -1:
return True
return False
# 根据cve 名字,获取描述,并翻译
def get_cve_des_zh(cve):
query_cve_url = "" + cve
response = requests.get(query_cve_url, headers=github_headers, timeout=10)
html = etree.HTML(response.text)
des = html.xpath('//*[@id="GeneratedTable"]/table//tr[4]/td/text()')[0].strip()
return translate(des)
def sendNews(tools_list):
while True:
print("cve 和 github 发布工具 监控中 ...")
# 抓取本年的cve
year =
api = "{}&sort=updated".format(year)
# 请求API
req = requests.get(api, headers=github_headers, timeout=10).json()
total_count = req['total_count']
# 通过 pushed_at 检查工具是否更新
time_list1 = get_pushed_at_time(tools_list)
# 监控时间间隔3分钟
# 检查name 和 description 中是否存在test字样 和 是否更新
if regular(req) and total_count != getNews()[0]:
# 推送正文内容
# 推送标题
text = r'有新的CVE送达'
# 获取 cve 名字 根据cve 名字,获取描述,并翻译
cve_name = re.findall('(CVE\-\d+\-\d+)', getNews()[3])[0].upper()
cve_zh = get_cve_des_zh(cve_name)
msg = "CVE编号" + cve_name + "\r\n" + "Github地址" + str(getNews()[2]) + "\r\n" + "CVE描述" +"\r\n"+ cve_zh
# 三选一即可,没配置的 注释或者删掉
# server(text, msg)
dingding(text, msg)
# tgbot(text,msg)
time_list2 = get_pushed_at_time(tools_list)
for i in range(len(tools_list)):
# 两次时间不相等,则代表工具更新
if time_list1[i] != time_list2[i]:
# get_update_log_info = get_update_log(tools_list[i])
if len(get_update_log(tools_list[i])) == 2:
update_log = get_update_log(tools_list[i])[0]
download_url = get_update_log(tools_list[i])[1]
tools_name = tools_list[i].split('/')[-1]
text = r'** ' + tools_name + r' ** 工具更新啦!'
body = "工具名称:" + tools_name + "\r\n" + "工具地址:" + download_url + "\r\n" + "工具更新日志:" + "\r\n" + update_log
# 三选一即可,没配置的 注释或者删掉
# server(text, body)
dingding(text, body)
# tgbot(text,body)
elif len(get_update_log(tools_list[i])) == 4:
one_all_info = get_update_log(tools_list[i])
release_len_one = one_all_info[2]
two_all_info = get_update_log(tools_list[i])
release_len_two = two_all_info[2]
if release_len_one != release_len_two:
update_log = two_all_info[0]
download_url = two_all_info[1]
tools_version = two_all_info[3]
tools_name = tools_list[i].split('/')[-1]
text = r'** ' + tools_name + r' ** 工具版本更新啦!'
body = "工具名称:" + tools_name + "\r\n"+"当前最新版本:"+tools_version+"\r\n"+ "工具下载地址:" + download_url + "\r\n" + "工具更新日志:" + "\r\n" + update_log
# 三选一即可,没配置的 注释或者删掉
# server(text, body)
dingding(text, body)
# tgbot(text,body)
commits_url = tools_list[i]+"/commits"
commits_url_response_json = requests.get(commits_url).text
commits_json = json.loads(commits_url_response_json)
tools_name = tools_list[i].split('/')[-1]
download_url = commits_json[0]['html_url']
update_log = commits_json[0]['commit']['message']
except Exception as e:
update_log = "作者未写更新内容具体点击更新详情地址的URL进行查看"
text = r'** ' + tools_name + r' ** 工具小更新了一波!'
body = "工具名称:" + tools_name + "\r\n" + "更新详情地址:" + download_url + "\r\n" + "工具更新日志:" + "\r\n" + update_log
# 三选一即可,没配置的 注释或者删掉
# server(text, body)
dingding(text, body)
# tgbot(text,body)
except Exception as e:
print("Program runing error:{}".format(traceback.print_exc()))
if __name__ == '__main__':
tools_list = [