[feat] requests 请求 去除正则,使用json ; 增加监控github发布的工具更新情况

This commit is contained in:
yhy0 2021-07-29 16:58:48 +08:00
parent 1b81ed786e
commit 7ffada303c
2 changed files with 94 additions and 47 deletions

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@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
## 更新
requests 请求 去除正则使用json ; 增加监控github发布的工具更新情况
通过https://cve.mitre.org/ 获取CVE具体描述, 并通过有道翻译为中文

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@ -8,14 +8,53 @@
# https://my.oschina.net/u/4581868/blog/4380482
# https://github.com/kiang70/Github-Monitor
import requests, re, time
import requests, time
import dingtalkchatbot.chatbot as cb
import datetime
import hashlib
import json
from lxml import etree
# 抓取本年cve
def getNews():
# 抓取本年的
year = datetime.datetime.now().year
api = "https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=CVE-{}&sort=updated".format(year)
json_str = requests.get(api).json()
cve_total_count = json_str['total_count']
cve_description = json_str['items'][0]['description']
cve_url = json_str['items'][0]['html_url']
return cve_total_count, cve_description, cve_url
except Exception as e:
print(e, "github链接不通")
return '', '', ''
# 通过 pushed_at 检查工具是否更新
def get_pushed_at_time(tools_list):
total_list = []
for url in tools_list:
pushed_at = requests.get(url).json()['pushed_at']
return total_list
def get_update_log(url):
# 考虑到有的工具没有 releases, 则通过 commits 记录获取更新描述
# 判断是否有 releases 记录
json_str = requests.get(url + '/releases').json()
if len(json_str) != 0:
update_log = json_str[0]['body']
download_url = json_str[0]['html_url']
return update_log, download_url
json_str = requests.get(url + '/releases').json()
update_log = json_str[0]['commit']['message']
return update_log, ''
# 创建md5对象
def nmd5(str):
m = hashlib.md5()
@ -68,10 +107,7 @@ def translate(word):
res = requests.post(url=url, data=data, headers=header)
t = res.content.decode('utf8')
# 把返回来的json字符串解析成字典
result_dict = json.loads(t)
result_dict = res.json()
result = ""
for json_str in result_dict['translateResult'][0]:
@ -80,22 +116,6 @@ def translate(word):
return result
def getNews():
# 抓取本年的
year = datetime.datetime.now().year
api = "https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=CVE-{}&sort=updated".format(year)
req = requests.get(api).text
cve_total_count = re.findall('"total_count":*.{1,10}"incomplete_results"',req)[0][14:17]
cve_description = re.findall('"description":*.{1,200}"fork"',req)[0].replace("\",\"fork\"",'').replace("\"description\":\"",'')
cve_url = re.findall('"svn_url":*.{1,200}"homepage"',req)[0].replace("\",\"homepage\"",'').replace("\"svn_url\":\"",'')
# 不推送 fork
if cve_description != '"description":null,"fork"':
return cve_total_count, cve_description, cve_url
except Exception as e:
print (e, "github链接不通")
# 钉钉
def dingding(text, msg):
# 将此处换为钉钉机器人的api
@ -120,18 +140,13 @@ def tgbot(text,msg):
# 通过检查name 和 description 中是否存在test字样排除test
def regular(req):
cve_name = re.findall('"name":*.{1,200}"full_name"', req)[0].replace("\"name\":\"",'').replace("\",\"full_name\"",'')
cve_description = re.findall('"description":*.{1,200}"fork"', req)[0].replace("\",\"fork\"", '').replace(
"\"description\":\"", '')
cve_name = req['items'][0]['name']
cve_description = req['items'][0]['description']
if cve_name.lower().find('test') == -1 and cve_description.lower().find('test') == -1:
return True
return False
# 获取cve 名字
def get_cve_name(req):
cve_name = re.findall('"name":*.{1,200}"full_name"', req)[0].replace("\"name\":\"", '').replace("\",\"full_name\"",'')
return cve_name
# 根据cve 名字,获取描述,并翻译
def get_cve_des_zh(cve):
query_cve_url = "https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=" + cve
@ -140,29 +155,49 @@ def get_cve_des_zh(cve):
des = html.xpath('//*[@id="GeneratedTable"]/table//tr[4]/td/text()')[0].strip()
return translate(des)
def sendNews():
def sendNews(tools_list):
while True:
print("cve 监控中 ...")
# 抓取本年的
print("cve 和 github 发布工具 监控中 ...")
# 抓取本年的cve
year = datetime.datetime.now().year
api = "https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=CVE-{}&sort=updated".format(year)
# 请求API
req = requests.get(api).text
# 正则获取
total_count = re.findall('"total_count":*.{1,10}"incomplete_results"', req)[0][14:17]
req = requests.get(api).json()
total_count = req['total_count']
# 通过 pushed_at 检查工具是否更新
time_list1 = get_pushed_at_time(tools_list)
# 监控时间间隔3分钟
# 推送正文内容
# 推送标题
text = r'有新的CVE送达'
time_list2 = get_pushed_at_time(tools_list)
for i in range(len(tools_list)):
# 两次时间不相等,则代表工具更新
if time_list1[i] != time_list2[i]:
update_log, download_url = get_update_log(tools_list[i])
tools_name = tools_list[i].split('/')[-1]
text = r'** ' + tools_name + r' ** 工具更新啦!'
# body = ''
if download_url != '':
body = "工具名称:" + tools_name + "\r\n" + "工具下载地址:" + download_url + "\r\n" + "工具更新日志:" + update_log
body = "工具名称:" + "\r\n" + "工具更新日志:" + update_log
# 三选一即可,没配置的 注释或者删掉
# server(text, body)
dingding(text, body)
# tgbot(text,body)
# 检查name 和 description 中是否存在test字样 和 是否更新
if regular(req) and total_count != getNews()[0]:
cve = get_cve_name(req)
cve_zh = get_cve_des_zh(cve)
# 推送正文内容
# 推送标题
text = r'有新的CVE送达'
# 获取 cve 名字 根据cve 名字,获取描述,并翻译
cve_zh = get_cve_des_zh(req['items'][0]['name'])
msg = "CVE编号"+ str(getNews()[1]) + "\r\n"+"Github地址"+ str(getNews()[2]) + "\r\n" + "CVE描述"+ cve_zh
# 三选一即可,没配置的 注释或者删掉
@ -170,12 +205,24 @@ def sendNews():
dingding(text, msg)
# tgbot(text,msg)
except Exception as e:
raise e
print("Program runing error:{}".format(e))
if __name__ == '__main__':
tools_list = [