import yaml from loguru import logger # 清除所有已有的日志记录器配置 logger.remove() logger.add("./log/core.log", format="{time:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss} - {level} - {name}:{function}:{line} - {message}", rotation="100 MB", compression="zip", encoding="utf-8") # shell终端打印日志 logger.add(lambda msg: print(msg), format="{time:YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss} - {level} - {name}:{function}:{line} - {message}") def get_core_config(): # 加载参数 with open('./config/config.yaml', 'r', encoding="utf-8") as file: config = yaml.safe_load(file) debug = f"{config['debug']}" if debug == "True": logger.debug("Debug mode is on") logger.debug(f"Loaded config: {config}") # 输出加载的配置 time_choice = int(f"{config['time_mode']}") choice = config['mode'] # 假设 mode 是一个列表 e_hour = int(config.get('e_hour', '4')) # 默认循环时间为4小时 fs_activate = f"{config['fs_activate']}" if fs_activate == "True": fs_key = config.get('fs_key') fs_secret = config.get('fs_secret') if not fs_key or not fs_secret: logger.error("飞书相关配置不能为空,请检查配置文件./config/config.yaml") exit(5) wx_activate = f"{config['wx_activate']}" if wx_activate == "True": wx_key = config.get('wx_key') if not wx_key: logger.error("企业微信相关配置不能为空,请检查配置文件./config/config.yaml") exit(5) ding_activate = f"{config['ding_activate']}" if ding_activate == "True": ding_key = config.get('ding_key') if not ding_key: logger.error("钉钉相关配置不能为空,请检查配置文件./config/config.yaml") exit(5) lx_activate = f"{config['lx_activate']}" if lx_activate == "True": lx_key = config.get('lx_key') if not lx_key: logger.error("蓝信相关配置不能为空,请检查配置文件./config/config.yaml") exit(5) url_web = f"{config['url']}" return e_hour, time_choice, choice, fs_activate, wx_activate, ding_activate, lx_activate, url_web def get_debug_config(): with open('./config/config.yaml', 'r', encoding="utf-8") as file: config = yaml.safe_load(file) debug = f"{config['debug']}" return debug def get_kewords_config(): with open('./config/keywords.yaml', 'r', encoding="utf-8") as file: config = yaml.safe_load(file) Sogou_WX = config['Sogou-WX'] Doonsec_switch = config.get('Doonsec-switch', False) Doonsec = config['Doonsec'] # print (Sogou_WX, Doonsec_switch, Doonsec) return Sogou_WX, Doonsec_switch, Doonsec if __name__ == "__main__": get_kewords_config()