2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
2025-01-15 11:02:39 +08:00
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/wujun728/jun_api_service" ,
"name" : "jun_api_service" ,
"created_at" : "2021-07-01T14:43:39Z" ,
"description" : "jun_api_service是一个基于我另外一个自定义的starter的动态API框架。项目本身使用技术有SpringBoot+字节码生成执行+动态脚本+动态SQL, 可以实时动态生成RESTAPI并动态发布或者热加载。且发布后可动态执行java源码、groovy脚本及SQL脚本..." ,
"author" : "wujun728" ,
"language" : "JavaScript" ,
2025-01-15 11:02:39 +08:00
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
2025-01-22 14:03:36 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/ballcat-projects/ballcat" ,
"name" : "ballcat" ,
"created_at" : "2019-10-20T12:18:53Z" ,
"description" : "😸一个快速开发脚手架, 快速搭建企业级后台管理系统, 并提供多种便捷starter进行功能扩展。主要功能包括前后台用户分离, 菜单权限, 数据权限, 定时任务, 访问日志, 操作日志, 异常日志, 统一异常处理, XSS过滤, SQL防注..." ,
"author" : "ballcat-projects" ,
"language" : "Java" ,
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/1024-lab/smart-admin" ,
"name" : "smart-admin" ,
"created_at" : "2019-11-16T02:30:31Z" ,
"description" : "SmartAdmin国内首个以「高质量代码」为核心, 「简洁、高效、安全」快速开发平台; 基于SpringBoot2/3 + Sa-Token + Mybatis-Plus 和 Vue3 + Vite5 + Ant Design Vue 4.x (同时支持JavaScript和TypeScript双版本);满足国家三级等保要求、支持登录限制、接..." ,
"author" : "1024-lab" ,
"language" : "Java" ,
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
2025-01-22 14:03:36 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/JaveleyQAQ/SQL-Injection-Scout" ,
"name" : "SQL-Injection-Scout" ,
"created_at" : "2025-01-03T08:42:22Z" ,
"description" : "SQL Injection Scout 是一个用于 Burp Suite 的扩展,专为帮助安全研究人员和开发人员检测和分析 SQL 注入漏洞而设计。该扩展提供了丰富的配置选项和直观的用户界面,便于用户自定义扫描和分析过程。" ,
"author" : "JaveleyQAQ" ,
"language" : null ,
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/henryxm/autumn" ,
"name" : "autumn" ,
"created_at" : "2018-10-08T12:12:12Z" ,
"description" : "采用Spring、Spring Boot、Redis、MyBatis、Shiro、Druid框架开发,搭载mysql数据。 如果你厌烦了MyBatis中需要手动创建表的事情, 这个项目非常适合你, 自动为你生成表。 从此你不在需要导入sql文件了, 项目初始化变得异常简单, 结构清..." ,
"author" : "henryxm" ,
2025-01-22 14:03:36 +08:00
"language" : "JavaScript" ,
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
2025-01-10 10:02:43 +08:00
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/ProbiusOfficial/ssrf-labs" ,
"name" : "ssrf-labs" ,
"created_at" : "2025-02-17T16:28:50Z" ,
"description" : "一个ssrf的综合靶场, 包含RCE, SQL注入, Tomcat, Redis, MySQL提权等ssrf攻击场景" ,
"author" : "ProbiusOfficial" ,
"language" : "Shell" ,
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
"link" : "https://github.com/suqianjue/sqlmap_gui" ,
"name" : "sqlmap_gui" ,
"created_at" : "2025-02-18T08:52:30Z" ,
"description" : "sqlmap_gui是一款图形界面化的 SQL 注入漏洞测试工具" ,
"author" : "suqianjue" ,
2025-01-10 10:02:43 +08:00
"language" : "Java" ,
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/Aki-1038/MySQL" ,
"name" : "MySQL" ,
"created_at" : "2025-03-03T01:22:07Z" ,
"description" : "這個頁面展示了 MySQL 的基本功能,包括 QUERY、INSERT、UPDATE 和 DELETE 等 SQL 操作。 請在下方輸入 SQL 查詢,然後點擊「執行」按鈕,查看結果。 注意:這個頁面僅供測試使用,請勿在正式環境中使用。" ,
"author" : "Aki-1038" ,
"language" : "HTML" ,
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/saoshao/DetSql" ,
"name" : "DetSql" ,
"created_at" : "2024-09-03T14:58:23Z" ,
"description" : "Burp插件, 快速探测可能存在SQL注入的请求并标记, 提高测试效率" ,
"author" : "saoshao" ,
"language" : "Java" ,
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/toolgood/ToolGood.SQLFirewall" ,
"name" : "ToolGood.SQLFirewall" ,
"created_at" : "2024-06-21T06:31:42Z" ,
"description" : "SQL Firewall, Prevent SQL injection, 防sql注入" ,
"author" : "toolgood" ,
"language" : "C#" ,
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/gege-circle/.github" ,
"name" : ".github" ,
"created_at" : "2020-09-20T04:47:25Z" ,
"description" : "这里是GitHub的草场, 也是戈戈圈爱好者的交流地, 主要讨论动漫、游戏、科技、人文、生活等所有话题, 欢迎各位小伙伴们在此讨论趣事。This is GitHub grassland, and the community place for Gege circle lovers, mainly discusses anime, games, technology,..." ,
"author" : "gege-circle" ,
"language" : null ,
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/yuqingfang2004/AriaDB-for-SDCs-" ,
"name" : "AriaDB-for-SDCs-" ,
"created_at" : "2024-12-11T08:17:34Z" ,
"description" : "本仓库来自确定性执行数据库AriaDB, 在此基础上进行修改, 实现了SDC注入( SQL层面) " ,
"author" : "yuqingfang2004" ,
"language" : "C++" ,
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/steveopen1/ruoyi_vulnscan" ,
"name" : "ruoyi_vulnscan" ,
"created_at" : "2025-02-23T07:15:22Z" ,
"description" : "ruuoyi_vulnscan 是一款基于 Python 和 Tkinter 开发的图形化界面工具,用于检测若依 Vue 框架应用程序中的常见漏洞。该工具提供了多种漏洞检测模块,包括 Swagger 检测、Druid 检测、文件下载漏洞检测、SQL 注入检测、定时任务漏洞检..." ,
"author" : "steveopen1" ,
"language" : "Python" ,
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/LtmThink/SQLRecorder" ,
"name" : "SQLRecorder" ,
"created_at" : "2025-02-13T12:20:51Z" ,
"description" : "SQLRecorder是一个能够实时记录SQL语句的工具, 方便代码审计时对SQL注入的实时关注。(A proxy to record all passing SQL statements.)" ,
"author" : "LtmThink" ,
"language" : "Go" ,
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/DDL08/directory" ,
"name" : "directory" ,
"created_at" : "2025-02-10T05:44:39Z" ,
"description" : "sql注入或rce或者其他的爆破字典, 模糊测试fuzz字典" ,
"author" : "DDL08" ,
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
"language" : null ,
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/peiqiF4ck/WebFrameworkTools-5.1-main" ,
"name" : "WebFrameworkTools-5.1-main" ,
"created_at" : "2023-01-08T05:21:26Z" ,
"description" : "本软件首先集成危害性较大框架和部分主流cms的rce(无需登录,或者登录绕过执行rce)和反序列化(利用链简单)。傻瓜式导入url即可实现批量getshell。批量自动化测试。例如:Thinkphp,Struts2,weblogic。出现的最新漏洞进行实时跟踪并且更..." ,
"author" : "peiqiF4ck" ,
"language" : "C#" ,
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/xiangyuecn/AreaCity-JsSpider-StatsGov" ,
"name" : "AreaCity-JsSpider-StatsGov" ,
"created_at" : "2018-11-28T05:11:35Z" ,
"description" : "省市区县乡镇三级或四级城市数据, 带拼音标注、坐标、行政区域边界范围; 2025年01月14日最新采集, 提供csv格式文件, 支持在线转成多级联动js代码、通用json格式, 提供软件转成shp、geojson、sql、导入数据库; 带浏览器里面运..." ,
"author" : "xiangyuecn" ,
"language" : "JavaScript" ,
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
"keyword" : "sql注入"
} ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/PstarSec/AI-Ollama" ,
"name" : "AI-Ollama" ,
"created_at" : "2025-03-07T04:46:28Z" ,
"description" : "Ollama 未授权访问【CNVD-2025-04094】验证脚本" ,
"author" : "PstarSec" ,
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
"language" : "Python" ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"keyword" : "cnvd"
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
} ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/KzNight/CNVD-2025-04094-ollama_unauth" ,
"name" : "CNVD-2025-04094-ollama_unauth" ,
"created_at" : "2025-03-04T07:06:13Z" ,
"description" : "国家信息安全漏洞共享平台( CNVD) 收录了Ollama未授权访问漏洞( CNVD-2025-04094) 。未经授权的攻击者可以远程访问Ollama服务接口执行敏感资产获取、虚假信息投喂、拒绝服务等恶意操作" ,
"author" : "KzNight" ,
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
"language" : "Python" ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"keyword" : "cnvd"
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
} ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/jmtruffa/cnvDownloader" ,
"name" : "cnvDownloader" ,
"created_at" : "2024-08-13T12:57:34Z" ,
"description" : "Downloader de data de CAFCI y parser de mails de FIMA" ,
"author" : "jmtruffa" ,
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
"language" : "Python" ,
2025-01-22 14:03:36 +08:00
"keyword" : "cnvd"
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
} ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/Ellison-zhang/cnvd_spider" ,
"name" : "cnvd_spider" ,
"created_at" : "2025-02-12T05:59:31Z" ,
2025-01-24 17:36:53 +08:00
"description" : null ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"author" : "Ellison-zhang" ,
"language" : "Python" ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"
} ,
"link" : "https://github.com/phtcloud-dev/CVE-2024-36837" ,
"name" : "CVE-2024-36837" ,
"created_at" : "2024-06-15T16:44:51Z" ,
"description" : "CVE-2024-36837 | CNVD-2024-30128 POC" ,
"author" : "phtcloud-dev" ,
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
"language" : "Python" ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"
} ,
2025-03-14 11:50:28 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/phtcloud-dev/CVE-2024-39199" ,
"name" : "CVE-2024-39199" ,
"created_at" : "2024-06-18T16:36:12Z" ,
"description" : "CVE-2024-39119 | CNVD-2024-31551 POC" ,
"author" : "phtcloud-dev" ,
"language" : "Python" ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"
} ,
"link" : "https://github.com/shagongz/CNVD_Crawler" ,
"name" : "CNVD_Crawler" ,
"created_at" : "2025-02-05T07:28:32Z" ,
"description" : "CNVD的简单爬虫" ,
"author" : "shagongz" ,
"language" : null ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"
} ,
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
2025-01-22 14:03:36 +08:00
"link" : "https://github.com/liuguolong139/CNVD-2024-33023" ,
"name" : "CNVD-2024-33023" ,
"created_at" : "2025-01-16T04:46:44Z" ,
"description" : "CNVD-2024-33023 Python poc" ,
"author" : "liuguolong139" ,
2025-01-06 14:26:37 +08:00
"language" : "Python" ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"
} ,
"link" : "https://github.com/j8agent/CNVD-2024-15077--AJ-Report-RCE--" ,
"name" : "CNVD-2024-15077--AJ-Report-RCE--" ,
"created_at" : "2024-12-21T08:26:43Z" ,
"description" : "CNVD-2024-15077 AJ-Report 中swagger-ui的RCE漏洞" ,
"author" : "j8agent" ,
"language" : "Python" ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"
} ,
"link" : "https://github.com/must-bioinfo/fastCNVdata" ,
"name" : "fastCNVdata" ,
"created_at" : "2024-07-17T14:38:38Z" ,
"description" : "Datasets to run the vignettes of the R package fastCNV" ,
"author" : "must-bioinfo" ,
"language" : "R" ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"
} ,
"link" : "https://github.com/XiaomingX/CNVD-2020-10487-Tomcat-Ajp-lfi" ,
"name" : "CNVD-2020-10487-Tomcat-Ajp-lfi" ,
"created_at" : "2024-12-08T04:14:03Z" ,
"description" : "Tomcat-Ajp协议文件读取漏洞" ,
"author" : "XiaomingX" ,
"language" : "Python" ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"
} ,
"link" : "https://github.com/lizhianyuguangming/TomcatScanPro" ,
"name" : "TomcatScanPro" ,
"created_at" : "2024-08-29T06:38:16Z" ,
"description" : "tomcat自动化漏洞扫描利用工具, 支持批量弱口令检测、后台部署war包getshell、CVE-2017-12615 文件上传、CVE-2020-1938/CNVD-2020-10487 文件包含" ,
"author" : "lizhianyuguangming" ,
"language" : "Python" ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"
} ,
"link" : "https://github.com/GoesM/ROS-CVE-CNVDs" ,
"name" : "ROS-CVE-CNVDs" ,
"created_at" : "2024-11-04T07:55:51Z" ,
"description" : "record and public CVE/CNVD IDs discovered by my works" ,
"author" : "GoesM" ,
"language" : null ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"
} ,
"link" : "https://github.com/xiadaogit/CNVD-" ,
"name" : "CNVD-" ,
"created_at" : "2024-10-30T07:13:00Z" ,
"description" : "CNVD挖的多了" ,
"author" : "xiadaogit" ,
"language" : null ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"
} ,
"link" : "https://github.com/sxq2003/CNVD-2022-10270" ,
"name" : "CNVD-2022-10270" ,
"created_at" : "2024-10-21T08:01:28Z" ,
"description" : null ,
"author" : "sxq2003" ,
"language" : "Python" ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"
} ,
"link" : "https://github.com/leonooo13/CNVD-2020-10487-Tomcat-Ajp-lfi" ,
"name" : "CNVD-2020-10487-Tomcat-Ajp-lfi" ,
"created_at" : "2024-09-27T17:05:09Z" ,
"description" : null ,
"author" : "leonooo13" ,
"language" : "Python" ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"
} ,
"link" : "https://github.com/Bin4xin/bigger-than-bigger" ,
"name" : "bigger-than-bigger" ,
"created_at" : "2021-04-16T01:33:26Z" ,
"description" : "Expolit Lists. 相关集合💥💥💥 ;) 用友NC反序列化/ CTF/ Java Deserialization/Shiro Vulns/ CNVD or CVE Vulns/ Log4j2/ Hikvision-decrypter...✨✨✨" ,
"author" : "Bin4xin" ,
"language" : "Java" ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"
} ,
"link" : "https://github.com/OceanSec/cnvdtools" ,
"name" : "cnvdtools" ,
"created_at" : "2024-09-11T02:50:32Z" ,
"description" : "通过fofa批量查询通用系统, 配合去刷cnvd证书" ,
"author" : "OceanSec" ,
"language" : "Python" ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"
} ,
"link" : "https://github.com/kingqaquuu/CNVDspider" ,
"name" : "CNVDspider" ,
"created_at" : "2024-08-06T10:16:12Z" ,
"description" : "爬取CNVD共享漏洞文件" ,
"author" : "kingqaquuu" ,
"language" : "Python" ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"
} ,
"link" : "https://github.com/youxox/SeeYouOA-POC" ,
"name" : "SeeYouOA-POC" ,
"created_at" : "2024-05-12T11:45:28Z" ,
"description" : "致远OA ajax.do 任意文件上传漏洞检测 CNVD-2021-01627 " ,
"author" : "youxox" ,
"language" : "Python" ,
"keyword" : "cnvd"